No. | Part Name | Description |
1 | PC1414BSR | 14,400 bps modem with MNP classes 2-5, v.42, v.42bis, 14,400 bps group 3 fax, stackthrough bus. |
2 | PC1414SR | 14,400 bps modem with MNP classes 2-5, v.42, v.42bis, 14,400 bps group 3 fax, stackthrough bus. |
3 | PC2400 | 2400 bps modem, stackthrough bus. |
4 | PC2814SR | 28,800 bps modem with MNP classes 2-5 & 10, V.42, V.42bis, 14,400 bps group 3 fax, stackthrough bus. |
5 | PC3301SR | 33,600 bps modem with MNP classes 2-5, 10; V.42, V.42bis, 14,400 bps group 3 fax, stackthrough bus. |
6 | PC9600M | 9600 bps data only modem, 8-bit stackthrough bus. |
7 | XE0016 | High performance single-in-line DAA module. |
8 | XE0017 | Low-profile, V.34 compatible telephone line interface. |
9 | XE0020 | Telephone line interface with active line monitoring. |
10 | XE0020C | Telephone line interface with active line monitoring. |
11 | XE002B | DAA with 2/4 wire hybrid. |
12 | XE0046 | High performance quad DAA module. 33,600 BPS. |
13 | XE0052S1 | Slim V.34 telephone line interface with 2/4 wire hybrid. Continuous low level. Vertical mount. 33,600 bps. |
14 | XE0052S2 | Slim V.34 telephone line interface with 2/4 wire hybrid. Continuous low level. Horizontal mount. 33,600 bps. |
15 | XE0052T1 | Slim V.34 telephone line interface with 2/4 wire hybrid. Ring signal pulses. Vertical mount. 33,600 bps. |
16 | XE0052T2 | Slim V.34 telephone line interface with 2/4 wire hybrid. Ring signal pulses. Horizontal mount. 33,600 bps. |
17 | XE0055S1 | Miniature V.34 telephone line interface. Vertical mount. |
18 | XE0055S2 | Miniature V.34 telephone line interface. Norizontal mount. |
19 | XE0055T1 | Miniature V.34 telephone line interface. Vertical mount. |
20 | XE0055T2 | Miniature V.34 telephone line interface. Norizontal mount. |
21 | XE0056 | DAA module for 33,000 bps and 56K analog modems. |
22 | XE0068 | FCC registered phone line interface. |
23 | XE0068DT | FCC registered DAA module with DTMF transmitter/decoder. |
24 | XE0071L | Very-low profile V.34 compatible telephone line interface. Pins extend laterally for mounting within PCB cutout. |
25 | XE0071T | Very-low profile V.34 compatible telephone line interface. Throuh-hole pins. |
26 | XE0080 | Suface mount V.34 telephone line interface. |
27 | XE014J | Low cost Slim-Link DAA for voice, data fax. |
28 | XE014JS | DAA for shared-line applications. |
29 | XE014JS-ITR | DAA for shared-line applications. |
30 | XE0204 | 2-wire/4-wire telephone line interface. |
31 | XE056J | Slim-Link DAA for 56kBPS data transfer. |
32 | XE1000 | International telephone interface. |
33 | XE1030 | Single-in-line telephone line intrface for Europe (UK). |
34 | XE1040 | Single-in-line telephone line intrface for Europe (Germany). |
35 | XE1050 | Single-in-line telephone line intrface for Europe (France). |
36 | XE1060 | Single-in-line telephone line intrface for Europe (US, Canada, Japan). |
37 | XE1070 | Single-in-line telephone line intrface for Europe (Italy). |
38 | XE1080 | Single-in-line telephone line intrface for Europe (Spain). |
39 | XE1212C | 1200bps modem module with parallel host interface. |
40 | XE1214B5 | 1200bps component modem. |
41 | XE1276A | Compact 1200bps modem. |
42 | XE1401 | Multi-national 14,400 BPS embeddable modem. Canada, Japan, USA. |
43 | XE1401B | Multi-national 14,400 BPS embeddable modem. UK. |
44 | XE1401F | Multi-national 14,400 BPS embeddable modem. France. |
45 | XE1401G | Multi-national 14,400 BPS embeddable modem. Germany. |
46 | XE1401I | Multi-national 14,400 BPS embeddable modem. Italy. |
47 | XE1414A | 14,400 BPS modem for data, fax, voice. |
48 | XE1414B | Low-cost, embeddable 14,400 BPS modem module. |
49 | XE1414C | Wordwide 14.4 KBPS modem module for embedded applications. |
50 | XE1414C-ITR | Wordwide 14.4 KBPS modem module for embedded applications. |
51 | XE1414L | Compact 14.4 KBPS modem module for embedded applications. |
52 | XE1486 | Compact 14,400 BPS fax and data modem. |
53 | XE1486L | Compact 14,400 BPS fax and data modem. |
54 | XE2400 | Low-cost, embeddable, serial 2400bps modem. |
55 | XE2401L | 2400bps serial input component modem. |
56 | XE2420 | 2400 BPS surface-mountable integrated sealed-hybrid modem. |
57 | XE2476 | 2400 bps plug-in upgrade to CH1776. |
58 | XE2486 | Miniature 2400 bps modem module. |
59 | XE2814 | V.34 modem for data & fax. 28,800 bps. |
60 | XE3301 | Multi-national 33,600 BPS modem module. Canada, Japan, USA. |
61 | XE3301B | Multi-national 33,600 BPS modem module. UK. |
62 | XE3301F | Multi-national 33,600 BPS modem module. France. |
63 | XE3301G | Multi-national 33,600 BPS modem module. Germany. |
64 | XE3301I | Multi-national 33,600 BPS modem module. Italy. |
65 | XE3314B | Low-cost, embeddable 33,600 bps modem module. |
66 | XE3314C | Wordwide 33.6 KBPS modem module for embeddable applications. |
67 | XE3314C-ITR | Wordwide 33.6 KBPS modem module for embeddable applications. |
68 | XE3314L | Compact 33.6 KBPS modem module for embeddable applications. |
69 | XE3386 | Compact 33,600 bps data and fax modem. |
70 | XE3386L | Compact 33,600 bps data and fax modem. |
71 | XE5224DM | Blackjack tele-controller. 80C552 based controller with 2400 bps data modem (send/receive fax optional). |
72 | XE5224FD | Blackjack tele-controller. 80C552 based controller with 2400 bps data modem (send/receive fax optional). |
73 | XE5614L | Compact 56 Kbps modem module for embedded applications. |
74 | XE5620 | 56 Kbps surface-mountable integrated sealed-hybrid modem. |
75 | XE5620-ITR | 56 Kbps surface-mountable integrated sealed-hybrid modem. |
76 | XE5620G | Smallest word-wide 56 Kbps modem. |
77 | XE5620G-ITR | Smallest word-wide 56 Kbps modem. |
78 | XE5686L | Compact 56 Kbps data and fax modem. |
79 | XE900 | 900 MHz smart tranceiver for base access system. |
80 | XE924 | Base access point for multiple remote machines. |
81 | XE9601 | 9600 bps modem module |
82 | XE9624F | A complete send and receive fax & data modem. |
83 | XE9624FS | A complete send and receive fax & data modem. |
| | |