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Datasheet Catalog - Page 57

Datasheets found :: 12413Page: | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 | 61 | 62 |
No.Part NameDescription
5602FP20T47Field Plates
5604FP210D250Magneto Resistor
5605FP210D250-22Differential Magnetoresistive Sensor
5606FP210L100Magneto Resistor
5607FP210L100-22Differential Magnetoresistive Sensor
5608FP211D155Magneto Resistor
5609FP212D250-22Differential Magnetoresistive Sensor
5610FP212L100-22Differential Magnetoresistive Sensor
5611FP28D470Field Plates

5613FP30D150Field Plates
5615FP30D170Field Plates
5617FP30D220Field Plates
5619FP30L100EMagneto Resistor
5620FP30L100JMagneto Resistor
5621FP30L47Field Plates
5623FP30L50EMagneto Resistor
5624FP30N60EMagneto Resistor
5625FP310L100Contactless Potentiometer
5626FP310L100-30Contactless Potentiometer
5627FP310L100-75Contactless Potentiometer
5628FP312L100Contactless Potentiometer
5629FP32L10Field Plates
5631FP410LDouble Differential Magneto Resistor
5632FP410L(4X80)FMDouble Differential Magneto Resistor
5633FP410L(4X80)FMDouble Differential Magneto Resistor
5634FP412D250Differential Magneto Resistor
5635FP412L100Differential Magneto Resistor
5636FP420L90Double Differential Magneto Resistor
5637FP425L90Differential Magneto Resistor
5638FY100-SERIESGeneral information about the ECL series FY 100
5639FYH104NOR/OR element with eight inputs
5640FYH124Two NOR/OR elements with four inputs each
5641FYH134Two NOR/OR elements with four inputs each
5642FZ100General Information - FZ 100 is a series of slow, interference-free logic components
5643FZ100-SERIESTest circuits
5644FZ100-SERIESPackages Shape and Dimensions
5645FZ100-SERIESGeneral information about the slow, interference-proof logic series FZ100 (LSL)
5646FZ100BLSL components for input voltages up to 30 V
5647FZE1658G8 x Digital Sensor Interface
5648FZH101Four NAND elements with two inputs each
5649FZH101AFour NAND elements with two inputs each
5650FZH105Four NAND elements with two inputs each
5651FZH105AFour NAND elements with two inputs each
5652FZH111Four NAND elements with two inputs each and basic connection Y
5653FZH111AFour NAND elements with two inputs each and N connection
5654FZH115Four NAND elements with two inputs each and basic connection Y
5655FZH115BFour NAND elements with two inputs each and N connection
5656FZH121Two NAND elements with five inputs each
5657FZH121Two NAND elements with five inputs each
5658FZH125Two NAND elements with five inputs each
5659FZH125Two NAND elements with five inputs each
5660FZH131Two NAND elements with five inputs each and N connection
5661FZH131Two NAND elements with five inputs each and basic connection Y
5662FZH135Two NAND elements with five inputs each and N connection
5663FZH135Two NAND elements with five inputs each and basic connection Y
5664FZH141Two NAND power elements with five inputs each and an N connection
5665FZH141Two NAND power elements with five inputs each
5666FZH145Two NAND power elements with five inputs each and an N connection
5667FZH145Two NAND power elements with five inputs each
5668FZH151Two AND/OR combination elements with N connection
5669FZH151AND-OR combination element
5670FZH155Two AND/OR combination elements with N connection
5671FZH155AND-OR combination element
5672FZH161LSL-TTL level converter
5673FZH161LSL-TTL level converter (preliminary data)
5674FZH165LSL-TTL level converter (preliminary data)
5675FZH165BLSL-TTL level converter
5676FZH171Two NAND elements with 4 inputs each, expansion input and N connection
5677FZH171Two NAND elements with 4 inputs each and expansion input
5678FZH175Two NAND elements with 4 inputs each, expansion input and N connection
5679FZH175Two NAND elements with 4 inputs each and expansion input
5680FZH181TTL-LSL level converter
5681FZH181TTL-LSL level converter (preliminary data)
5682FZH185TTL-LSL level converter
5683FZH185TTL-LSL level converter (preliminary data)
5684FZH191Three NAND elements with 3 inputs each and N connection
5685FZH195Three NAND elements with 3 inputs each and N connection
5686FZH201Six Inverter with strobe inputs
5687FZH205Six Inverter with strobe inputs
5688FZH211Four NAND elements with 2 inputs each, open collector and N connection
5689FZH211SLSL driver and level converter
5690FZH215BFour NAND elements with 2 inputs each, open collector and N connection
5691FZH231Two NAND elements with 5 inputs each, open collector and N connection
5692FZH235Two NAND elements with 5 inputs each, open collector and N connection
5693FZH241Two NAND Schmitt triggers with 4 inputs each and expansion input
5694FZH245BTwo NAND Schmitt triggers with 4 inputs each and expansion input
5695FZH251Four AND elements each with 2 inputs and N connection
5696FZH255BFour AND elements each with 2 inputs and N connection
5697FZH261Two NAND elements with 2 inputs each and four inverters
5698FZH265BTwo NAND elements with 2 inputs each and four inverters
5699FZH271Four exclusive OR elements, each with 2 inputs and N connection
5700FZH275Four exclusive OR elements, each with 2 inputs and N connection

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