13113 | DTA143EUAFRA | PNP Digital transistor (Corresponds to AEC-Q101) |
13114 | DTA143EUAFRAT106 | PNP Digital transistor (Corresponds to AEC-Q101) |
13115 | DTA143EUAT106 | PNP Digital transistor (with built-in resistors) |
13116 | DTA143EUB | PNP Digital transistor (with built-in resistors) |
13117 | DTA143EUBHZG | PNP -100mA -50V Digital Transistor (Corresponds to AEC-Q101) |
13118 | DTA143EUBHZGTL | PNP -100mA -50V Digital Transistor (Corresponds to AEC-Q101) |
13119 | DTA143EUBTL | PNP Digital transistor (with built-in resistors) |
13120 | DTA143T A | Transistors > Small Signal Digital Transistors |
13121 | DTA143TCA | PNP -100mA -50V Digital Transistor (Bias Resistor Built-in Transistor) |
13122 | DTA143TCAHZG | PNP -100mA -50V Digital Transistor (Bias Resistor Built-in Transistor) |
13123 | DTA143TCAHZGT116 | PNP -100mA -50V Digital Transistor (Bias Resistor Built-in Transistor) |
13124 | DTA143TCAT116 | PNP -100mA -50V Digital Transistor (Bias Resistor Built-in Transistor) |
13125 | DTA143TE | Digital transistors (built in resistor) |
13126 | DTA143TEB | PNP Digital transistor (with built-in resistors) |
13127 | DTA143TEBTL | PNP Digital transistor (with built-in resistors) |
13128 | DTA143TEFRA | PNP Digital transistor (Corresponds to AEC-Q101) |
13129 | DTA143TEFRATL | PNP Digital transistor (Corresponds to AEC-Q101) |
13130 | DTA143TETL | PNP Digital transistor (with built-in resistors) |
13131 | DTA143TKA | Digital transistors (built in resistor) |
13132 | DTA143TKAT146 | PNP Digital transistor (with built-in resistors) |
13133 | DTA143TM | PNP Digital transistor (with built-in resistors) |
13134 | DTA143TMFHA | PNP Digital transistor (Corresponds to AEC-Q101) |
13135 | DTA143TMFHAT2L | PNP Digital transistor (Corresponds to AEC-Q101) |
13136 | DTA143TMT2L | PNP Digital transistor (with built-in resistors) |
13137 | DTA143TSA | Digital transistors (built in resistor) |
13138 | DTA143TUA | Digital transistors (built in resistor) |
13139 | DTA143TUAFRA | PNP Digital transistor (Corresponds to AEC-Q101) |
13140 | DTA143TUAFRAT106 | PNP Digital transistor (Corresponds to AEC-Q101) |
13141 | DTA143TUAT106 | PNP Digital transistor (with built-in resistors) |
13142 | DTA143TUB | PNP Digital transistor (with built-in resistors) |
13143 | DTA143TUBTL | PNP Digital transistor (with built-in resistors) |
13145 | DTA143X | DTA/DTC SERIES |
13146 | DTA143X A | Transistors > Small Signal Digital Transistors |
13147 | DTA143XA | DTA/DTC SERIES |
13148 | DTA143XCA | PNP -100mA -50V Digital Transistor (Bias Resistor Built-in Transistor) |
13149 | DTA143XCAHZG | PNP -100mA -50V Digital Transistor (Bias Resistor Built-in Transistor) |
13150 | DTA143XCAHZGT116 | PNP -100mA -50V Digital Transistor (Bias Resistor Built-in Transistor) |
13151 | DTA143XCAT116 | PNP -100mA -50V Digital Transistor (Bias Resistor Built-in Transistor) |
13152 | DTA143XE | Digital transistors (built-in resistors) |
13153 | DTA143XEB | PNP Digital transistor (with built-in resistors) |
13154 | DTA143XEBTL | PNP Digital transistor (with built-in resistors) |
13155 | DTA143XEFRA | PNP Digital transistor (Corresponds to AEC-Q101) |
13156 | DTA143XEFRATL | PNP Digital transistor (Corresponds to AEC-Q101) |
13157 | DTA143XETL | PNP Digital transistor (with built-in resistors) |
13158 | DTA143XF | DTA/DTC SERIES |
13159 | DTA143XK | DTA/DTC SERIES |
13160 | DTA143XKA | Digital transistors (built-in resistors) |
13161 | DTA143XKAFRA | PNP Digital transistor (Corresponds to AEC-Q101) |
13162 | DTA143XKAFRAT146 | PNP Digital transistor (Corresponds to AEC-Q101) |
13163 | DTA143XKAT146 | PNP Digital transistor (with built-in resistors) |
13164 | DTA143XM | DTA/DTC SERIES |
13165 | DTA143XMFHA | PNP Digital transistor (Corresponds to AEC-Q101) |
13166 | DTA143XMFHAT2L | PNP Digital transistor (Corresponds to AEC-Q101) |
13167 | DTA143XMT2L | PNP Digital transistor (with built-in resistors) |
13168 | DTA143XS | DTA/DTC SERIES |
13169 | DTA143XSA | Digital transistors (built-in resistors) |
13170 | DTA143XUA | Digital transistors (built-in resistors) |
13171 | DTA143XUAFRA | PNP Digital transistor (Corresponds to AEC-Q101) |
13172 | DTA143XUAFRAT106 | PNP Digital transistor (Corresponds to AEC-Q101) |
13173 | DTA143XUAT106 | PNP Digital transistor (with built-in resistors) |
13174 | DTA143XUB | PNP Digital transistor (with built-in resistors) |
13175 | DTA143XUBTL | PNP Digital transistor (with built-in resistors) |
13177 | DTA143Z A | Transistors > Small Signal Digital Transistors |
13178 | DTA143ZCA | PNP -100mA -50V Digital Transistors (Bias Resistor Built-in Transistors) |
13179 | DTA143ZCAHZG | PNP -100mA -50V Digital Transistors (Bias Resistor Built-in Transistors) |
13180 | DTA143ZCAHZGT116 | PNP -100mA -50V Digital Transistors (Bias Resistor Built-in Transistors) |
13181 | DTA143ZCAT116 | PNP -100mA -50V Digital Transistors (Bias Resistor Built-in Transistors) |
13182 | DTA143ZE | Digital transistors (built-in resistors) |
13183 | DTA143ZEB | PNP Digital transistor (with built-in resistors) |
13184 | DTA143ZEBTL | PNP Digital transistor (with built-in resistors) |
13185 | DTA143ZEFRA | PNP Digital transistor (Corresponds to AEC-Q101) |
13186 | DTA143ZEFRATL | PNP Digital transistor (Corresponds to AEC-Q101) |
13187 | DTA143ZETL | PNP Digital transistor (with built-in resistors) |
13188 | DTA143ZKA | Digital transistors (built-in resistors) |
13189 | DTA143ZKAT146 | PNP Digital transistor (with built-in resistors) |
13190 | DTA143ZM | PNP Digital transistor (with built-in resistors) |
13191 | DTA143ZMFHA | PNP Digital transistor (Corresponds to AEC-Q101) |
13192 | DTA143ZMFHAT2L | PNP Digital transistor (Corresponds to AEC-Q101) |
13193 | DTA143ZMT2L | PNP Digital transistor (with built-in resistors) |
13194 | DTA143ZSA | Digital transistors (built-in resistors) |
13195 | DTA143ZUA | Digital transistors (built-in resistors) |
13196 | DTA143ZUAFRA | PNP Digital transistor (Corresponds to AEC-Q101) |
13197 | DTA143ZUAFRAT106 | PNP Digital transistor (Corresponds to AEC-Q101) |
13198 | DTA143ZUAT106 | PNP Digital transistor (with built-in resistors) |
13199 | DTA143ZUB | PNP Digital transistor (with built-in resistors) |
13200 | DTA143ZUBTL | PNP Digital transistor (with built-in resistors) |
| | |