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Datasheet Catalog - Page 140

Datasheets found :: 26986Page: | 135 | 136 | 137 | 138 | 139 | 140 | 141 | 142 | 143 | 144 | 145 |
No.Part NameDescription
13901HEF4737VPQuadruple static decade counters
13902HEF4737VT4.5-12.5 V, Quadruple static decade counter
13903HEF4738IEC/IEEE bus interface
13904HEF4738VIEC/IEEE bus interface
13905HEF4738VNIEC/IEEE bus interface
13906HEF4738VPIEC/IEEE bus interface
13907HEF4750VFrequency synthesizer
13908HEF4750VDFrequency synthesizer
13909HEF4750VDBFrequency synthesizer
13910HEF4750VFFrequency synthesizer
13911HEF4750VLSIFrequency synthesizer
13912HEF4750VUFrequency synthesizer

13913HEF4751VUniversal divider
13914HEF4751VDUniversal divider
13915HEF4751VDBUniversal divider
13916HEF4751VFUniversal divider
13917HEF4751VNUniversal divider
13918HEF4751VPUniversal divider
13919HEF4751VTUniversal divider
13920HEF4751VUUniversal divider
13921HEF4752VA.C. motor control circuit
13922HEF4752VDA.C. motor control circuit
13923HEF4752VFA.C. motor control circuit
13924HEF4752VNA.C. motor control circuit
13925HEF4752VPA.C. motor control circuit
13926HEF4753Universal timer module
13927HEF4753BUniversal timer module
13928HEF4753BDUniversal timer module
13929HEF4753BNUniversal timer module
13930HEF4753BPUniversal timer module
13931HEF4753BTUniversal timer module
13932HEF475418-element bar graph LCD driver
13933HEF4754V18-element bar graph LCD driver
13934HEF4754VD18-element bar graph LCD driver
13935HEF4754VF18-element bar graph LCD driver
13936HEF4754VN18-element bar graph LCD driver
13937HEF4754VP18-element bar graph LCD driver
13938HEF4754VT18-element bar graph LCD driver
13939HEF4755Transceiver for serial data communication
13940HEF4755VTransceiver for serial data communication
13941HEF4755VDTransceiver for serial data communication
13942HEF4755VFTransceiver for serial data communication
13943HEF4755VNTransceiver for serial data communication
13944HEF4755VPTransceiver for serial data communication
13945HEF4755VTTransceiver for serial data communication
13946HEF4794B8-stage shift-and-store register LED driver
13947HEF4794BP8-stage shift-and-store register LED driver
13948HEF4794BT8-stage shift-and-store register LED driver
13949HEF4894B12-stage shift-and-store register LED driver
13950HEF4894BP12-stage shift-and-store register LED driver
13951HEF4894BT12-stage shift-and-store register LED driver
13952HEF4938BDual precision monostable multivibrator
13953HEF4938BPDual precision monostable multivibrator
13954HEF4938BTDual precision monostable multivibrator
13955HSTL169189-bit to 18-bit HSTL-to-LVTTL memory address latch
13956HSTL169189-bit to 18-bit HSTL-to-LVTTL memory address latch
13957HSTL16918DGG9-bit to 18-bit HSTL-to-LVTTL memory address latch
13958HSTL169199-bit to 18-bit HSTL to LVTTL memory address latch with 12 kohm pull-up resistor
13959HSTL169199-bit to 18-bit HSTL to LVTTL memory address latch with 12 kohm pull-up resistor
13960HSTL16919DGG9-bit to 18-bit HSTL to LVTTL memory address latch with 12kOhm pull-up resistor
13961HT1DC20S30HITAG 1 stick transponder
13962HT1ICS3002General Wafer Specification
13963HT1MOA3S30HITAGTM1 Chip Module
13964HT2DC20S20HITAG 2 stick transponder
13965HT2DC20S20/FHITAG 2 stick transponder
13966HT2DC20S20/FHT2DC20S20; HITAG 2 stick transponder
13967HT2MOA2S20HITAG(tm) 2 Chip Module
13968HT2MOA2S20/E/3HT 2MOA3S20; HITAG(tm) 2 Chip Module
13969HT2MOA3S20HITAGTM2 Chip Module
13970HTCM400HITAG core module hardware
13971HTCM400/EAEHITAG core module hardware
13972HTEV400HITAG proximity evaluation kit
13973HTEV800HITAG long range evaluation kit
13974HTOT840HITAGTM Antenna Tuning Device
13975HTRC11001HITAG reader chip
13976HTRC11001THITAG reader chip
13977HTRC11001T/02EEHTRC11001T; HITAG reader chip
13978HTRC11001T/03EEHTRC11001T; HITAG reader chip
13979HTRC12002BHITAG co-processor
13980HTRM440HITAG proximity reader module hardware
13981HTRM440/AIEHITAG proximity reader module hardware
13982HTRM440/BIEHITAG proximity reader module hardware
13983HTRM440/CIEHITAG proximity reader module hardware
13984HTRM800HITAG long range reader module hardware
13985HTRM800/AEDHITAG long range reader module hardware
13986HTRM800/CEDHITAG long range reader module hardware
13987HTRM800/EEDHITAG long range reader module hardware
13988I74F00DQuad 2-input NAND gate
13989I74F00NQuad 2-input NAND gate
13990I74F02DQuad 2-input NOR gate
13991I74F02NQuad 2-input NOR gate
13992I74F04Hex inverter
13993I74F04DHex inverter
13994I74F04NHex inverter
13995I74F08DQuad two-input AND gate
13996I74F08NQuad two-input AND gate
13997I74F109DPositive J-K positive edge-triggered flip-flops
13998I74F109NPositive J-K positive edge-triggered flip-flops
13999I74F112DDual J-K negative edge-triggered flip-flop
14000I74F112NDual J-K negative edge-triggered flip-flop

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