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National Semiconductor

Datasheet Catalog - Page 389

Datasheets found :: 42078Page: | 384 | 385 | 386 | 387 | 388 | 389 | 390 | 391 | 392 | 393 | 394 |
No.Part NameDescription
38801MM57348-function accumulating memory calculator
38802MM5736Calculator learn to keep time - Application Note
38803MM5736Calculator CHIP makes a counter - Application Note
38804MM5737Calculator 8-digit, 4-function, floating decimal point
38805MM574090-key keyboard encoder
38806MM5740Microprocessor mates with MOS/LSI keyboard encoder - Application Note
38807MM574578-key keyboard encoder
38808MM574678-key keyboard encoder
38809MM5758Scientific calculator
38810MM5760Slide rule calculator
38811MM5762Financial calculator
38812MM5763Statistical calculator

38813MM5764Conversion calculator
38814MM5765Calculator programmer
38815MM5766Calculator programmer
38816MM5767Slide rule calculator
38817MM5777Calculator 6-digit, 4-function, floating decimal point
38818MM5780Educational toy calculator
38819MM5781Controller Oriented Processor Systems
38820MM5782Controller Oriented Processor Systems
38821MM5785RAM interface chip
38822MM5788Printer interface chip
38823MM5791Seven-function, accumulating memory calculator
38824MM5794Seven-function, accumulating memory, vacuum fluorescent display calculator
38825MM5795Seven-function, accumulating memory, vacuum fluorescent display calculator circuit
38826MM5799Controller Oriented Processor
38827MM58104Direct drive LED watch general description
38828MM58106Digital Clock and TV display circuit
38829MM58115Digitally tuned direct drive 6-function LED watch
38830MM58117LCD watch circuits
38831MM58118LCD watch circuits
38832MM58119LCD watch circuits
38833MM58120LCD watch circuits
38834MM58127LCD watch circuits
38835MM58128LCD watch circuits
38836MM58129LCD watch circuits
38837MM58130LCD watch circuits
38838MM58167Microprocessor Real Time Clock
38839MM58167BMicroprocessor Real Time Clock
38840MM58167BNMicroprocessor Real Time Clock
38841MM58167BN-TMicroprocessor Real Time Clock
38842MM58167BVMicroprocessor Real Time Clock
38843MM58167BVXMicroprocessor Real Time Clock
38844MM58167MWCMicroprocessor Real Time Clock
38845MM58174Microprocessor-Compatible Real-Time Clock
38846MM58174AMicroprocessor - Compatible Real-Time Clock
38847MM58174ANMicroprocessor-Compatible Real-Time Clock
38848MM58201Multiplexed LCD Driver
38849MM5823Frequency dividers
38850MM5824Frequency dividers
38851MM58241High Voltage Display Driver
38852MM58241NMM58241 High Voltage Display Driver
38853MM58241VMM58241 High Voltage Display Driver
38854MM58242High Voltage Display Driver
38855MM58248High Voltage Display Driver
38856MM58274CMicroprocessor Compatible Real Time Clock
38857MM58274C-12Microprocessor Compatible Real Time Clock
38858MM58274CJMicroprocessor Compatible Real Time Clock
38859MM58274CJ-12-0.3 to +03V; 5mA; 500mW; microprocessor compatible real time clock. For point of sale terminals, teller terminals, word processors, data logging, industrial process control
38860MM58274CNMicroprocessor Compatible Real Time Clock
38861MM58274CN-12-0.3 to +03V; 5mA; 500mW; microprocessor compatible real time clock. For point of sale terminals, teller terminals, word processors, data logging, industrial process control
38862MM58274CVMicroprocessor Compatible Real Time Clock
38863MM58274CV-12-0.3 to +03V; 5mA; 500mW; microprocessor compatible real time clock. For point of sale terminals, teller terminals, word processors, data logging, industrial process control
38864MM58274CVXMicroprocessor Compatible Real Time Clock
38865MM5829LED watch circuit
38866MM5832Chromatic frequency generator
38867MM5833Chromatic frequency generator
38868MM58341High Voltage Display Driver
38869MM58341NHigh Voltage Display Driver
38870MM58341VHigh Voltage Display Driver
38871MM58342High Voltage Display Driver
38872MM58342NHigh Voltage Display Driver
38873MM58342VMM58342 High Voltage Display Driver
38874MM58348High Voltage Display Driver
38875MM58348NMM58348 High Voltage Display Driver
38876MM58348VMM58348 High Voltage Display Driver
38877MM5837Digital Noise Source
38878MM5837NDigital Noise Source
38879MM5840TV Channel number (16 channels) and time display circuit
38880MM5841TV channel number and time readout circuit
38881MM5860Two time zone LED watch circuit
38882MM58601Two time zone LED watch circuit
38883MM586312-bit binary A/D building block
38884MM5865Universal Timer - Application Note
38885MM5865Universal timer
38886MM5865A 4-Digit, 7-Function Stopwatch/Timer - Application Note
38887MM5871Rhythm pattern generator
38888MM5878NRemote control potentiometer
38889MM5879RC circuits
38890MM5880Two time zone LED watch circuit
38891MM58801Two time zone LED watch circuit
38892MM5885Direct drive LED watch
38893MM5886Direct drive LED watch
38894MM5889RC circuits
38895MM5890LCD chronograph circuit
38896MM5891MOS top octave frequency generator
38897MM5899RC circuits
38898MM70C95TRI-STATE Hex Buffer
38899MM70C95J_883TRI-STATE Hex Buffer
38900MM70C96TRI-STATE Hex Inverters

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