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National Semiconductor

Datasheet Catalog - Page 183

Datasheets found :: 42078Page: | 178 | 179 | 180 | 181 | 182 | 183 | 184 | 185 | 186 | 187 | 188 |
No.Part NameDescription
18201DM54161J_883Synchronous 4-Bit Counters
18202DM54161WSynchronous 4-Bit Counters
18203DM54161W_883Synchronous 4-Bit Counters
18204DM54162ASynchronous 4-Bit Conters
18205DM54163AJSynchronous 4-Bit Counters
18206DM54163AWSynchronous 4-Bit Counters
18207DM541648-Bit Serial In/Parallel Out Shift Registers
18208DM541658-Bit Parallel In/Serial Out Shift Registers
18209DM541668-Bit Parallel In/Serial Out Shift Register
18210DM54166J7 V, 8-bit parallel in/serial out shift register
18211DM5416J7 V, hex inverter buffer with high voltage open-collector output
18212DM5416W7 V, hex inverter buffer with high voltage open-collector output

18213DM5417Hex Buffer/Driver with High-Voltage Open-Collector Outputs
18214DM54173TRI-STATE Quad D Registers
18215DM54173JTRI-STATE Quad Registers
18216DM54173J/8834-Bit TRI-STATE D Register
18217DM54173WTRI-STATE Quad Registers
18218DM54174Hex/Quad D Flip-Flops with Clear
18219DM54174JHex/Quad D Flip-Flops with Clear
18220DM54174J_883Hex D Flip-Flop with Clear
18221DM54174WHex/Quad D Flip-Flops with Clear
18222DM54175Hex/Quad D Flip-Flops with Clear
18223DM54175JHex/Quad D Flip-Flops with Clear
18224DM54175WHex/Quad D Flip-Flops with Clear
18225DM54176Presettable Decade and Binary Counters
18226DM54177Presettable Decade and Binary Counters
18227DM5417JHex Buffers with High Voltage Open-Collector Outputs
18228DM5417J_883Hex Buffer/Driver with High-Voltage Open-Collector Outputs
18229DM5417WHex Buffers with High Voltage Open-Collector Outputs
18230DM541809-Bit Parity Generator/Checker
18231DM54180J7 V, 9-bit parity generator/checker
18232DM54180W7 V, 9-bit parity generator/checker
18233DM54181Arithmetic Logic Unit/Function Generator
18234DM54181JV(cc): 7V; V(in / out): 5.5V; arithmetic logic unit / function generator
18235DM54184BCD-to-Binary and Binary-to-BCD Converters
18236DM54185ABCD-to-Binary and Binary-to-BCD Converters
18237DM54190Synchronous Up/Down Counters with Mode Control
18238DM54191Synchronous Up/Down 4-Bit Binary Counter with Mode Control
18239DM54191JSynchronous Up/Down 4-Bit Binary Counter with Mode Control
18240DM54191MW8Synchronous Up/Down 4-Bit Binary Counter with Mode Control [Preliminary]
18241DM54191WSynchronous Up/Down 4-Bit Binary Counter with Mode Control
18242DM54192Synchronous Up/Down Counters with Dual Clock
18243DM54193Synchronous Up/Down 4-Bit Binary Counter with Dual Clock
18244DM54193JSynchronous Up/Down 4-Bit Binary Counter with Dual Clock
18245DM54193WSynchronous Up/Down 4-Bit Binary Counter with Dual Clock
18246DM541944-Bit Binary Bidirectional Universal Shift Register
18247DM54194J4-Bit Bidirectional Universal Shift Registers
18248DM54194J_8834-Bit Binary Bidirectional Universal Shift Register
18249DM54194W4-Bit Bidirectional Universal Shift Registers
18250DM541954-Bit Parallel Access Shift Registers
18251DM54196Presettable Decade and Binary Counters
18252DM54197Presettable Decade and Binary Counters
18253DM541988-Bit Shift Registers
18254DM541998-Bit Shift Registers
18255DM5420Dual 4-Input NAND Gate
18256DM5420JDual 4-Input NAND Gates
18257DM5420J/883Dual 4-Input NAND Gate
18258DM5420WDual 4-Input NAND Gates
18259DM5420W-MLSDual 4-Input NAND Gate
18260DM5420W_883Dual 4-Input NAND Gate
18261DM5425Dual 4-Input NOR Gates with Strobe Input
18262DM542511 of 8 Line Data Selectors/Multiplexers
18263DM54253Dual 1 of 4 Line Data Selectors/Multiplexers
18264DM542598-Bit Addressable Latches
18265DM5426Quad 2-Input NAND Buffer with High-Voltage Open-Collector Outputs
18266DM5426J7 V, quad 2-input NAND gate with high voltage open-collector output
18267DM5427Triple 3-Input NOR Gates
18268DM54308-Input NAND Gate
18269DM5430J7 V, 8-input NAND gate
18270DM5430W7 V, 8-input NAND gate
18271DM5432Quad 2-Input OR Gate
18272DM5432J7 V, quad 2-input OR gate
18273DM5432W7 V, quad 2-input OR gate
18274DM54365Hex TRI-STATE Buffer/Bus Driver
18275DM54365J7 V, hex TRI-STATE buffer
18276DM54365W7 V, hex TRI-STATE buffer
18277DM54366Hex Inverting TRI-STATE Buffers
18278DM54367Hex TRI-STATE Buffer/Bus Driver
18279DM54367JHex TRI-STATE Buffers
18280DM54367J_883Hex TRI-STATE Buffer/Bus Driver
18281DM54367WHex TRI-STATE Buffers
18282DM54367W_883Hex TRI-STATE Buffer/Bus Driver
18283DM54368Hex TRI-STATE Inverting Buffer/Bus Driver
18284DM54368J7 V, hex TRI-STATE inverting buffer
18285DM54368W7 V, hex TRI-STATE inverting buffer
18286DM5437Quad 2-Input NAND Buffer
18287DM5437JQuad 2-Input NAND Buffers
18288DM5437WQuad 2-Input NAND Buffers
18289DM5438Quad 2-Input NAND Buffer with Open-Collector Outputs
18290DM5438J7 V, quad 2-input NAND buffer with open-collector output
18291DM5438W7 V, quad 2-input NAND buffer with open-collector output
18292DM5440Dual 4-Input NAND Buffers
18293DM5440J7 V, dual 4-input NAND buffer
18294DM5441ABCD to Decimal Decoders/Drivers
18295DM5442BCD to Decimal Decoders
18296DM5442ABCD to Decimal Decoder
18297DM5442AJBCD to Decimal Decoders
18298DM5442AJ_883BCD to Decimal Decoder
18299DM5442AWBCD to Decimal Decoders
18300DM5445BCD to Decimal Decoder/Driver

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