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MAXIM - Dallas Semiconductor

Datasheet Catalog - Page 562

Datasheets found :: 81768Page: | 557 | 558 | 559 | 560 | 561 | 562 | 563 | 564 | 565 | 566 | 567 |
No.Part NameDescription
56101MAX6368LKA26+SOT23, Low-Power µP Supervisory Circuits with Battery Backup and Chip-Enable Gating
56102MAX6368LKA26+TSOT23, Low-Power µP Supervisory Circuits with Battery Backup and Chip-Enable Gating
56103MAX6368LKA26+TG0NSOT23, Low-Power µP Supervisory Circuits with Battery Backup and Chip-Enable Gating
56104MAX6368LKA29+SOT23, Low-Power µP Supervisory Circuits with Battery Backup and Chip-Enable Gating
56105MAX6368LKA29+TSOT23, Low-Power µP Supervisory Circuits with Battery Backup and Chip-Enable Gating
56106MAX6368LKA31SOT23, Low-Power µP Supervisory Circuits with Battery Backup and Chip-Enable Gating
56107MAX6368LKA31+SOT23, Low-Power µP Supervisory Circuits with Battery Backup and Chip-Enable Gating
56108MAX6368LKA31+TSOT23, Low-Power µP Supervisory Circuits with Battery Backup and Chip-Enable Gating
56109MAX6368LKA44+SOT23, Low-Power µP Supervisory Circuits with Battery Backup and Chip-Enable Gating
56110MAX6368LKA44+TSOT23, Low-Power µP Supervisory Circuits with Battery Backup and Chip-Enable Gating
56111MAX6368LKA46+SOT23, Low-Power µP Supervisory Circuits with Battery Backup and Chip-Enable Gating
56112MAX6368LKA46+TSOT23, Low-Power µP Supervisory Circuits with Battery Backup and Chip-Enable Gating

56113MAX6368PSOT23, Low-Power µP Supervisory Circuits with Battery Backup and Chip-Enable Gating
56114MAX6368PKA23+SOT23, Low-Power µP Supervisory Circuits with Battery Backup and Chip-Enable Gating
56115MAX6368PKA23+TSOT23, Low-Power µP Supervisory Circuits with Battery Backup and Chip-Enable Gating
56116MAX6368PKA26+SOT23, Low-Power µP Supervisory Circuits with Battery Backup and Chip-Enable Gating
56117MAX6368PKA26+TSOT23, Low-Power µP Supervisory Circuits with Battery Backup and Chip-Enable Gating
56118MAX6368PKA29SOT23, Low-Power µP Supervisory Circuits with Battery Backup and Chip-Enable Gating
56119MAX6368PKA29+SOT23, Low-Power µP Supervisory Circuits with Battery Backup and Chip-Enable Gating
56120MAX6368PKA29+TSOT23, Low-Power µP Supervisory Circuits with Battery Backup and Chip-Enable Gating
56121MAX6368PKA31+SOT23, Low-Power µP Supervisory Circuits with Battery Backup and Chip-Enable Gating
56122MAX6368PKA31+TSOT23, Low-Power µP Supervisory Circuits with Battery Backup and Chip-Enable Gating
56123MAX6368PKA44+SOT23, Low-Power µP Supervisory Circuits with Battery Backup and Chip-Enable Gating
56124MAX6368PKA44+TSOT23, Low-Power µP Supervisory Circuits with Battery Backup and Chip-Enable Gating
56125MAX6368PKA46+SOT23, Low-Power µP Supervisory Circuits with Battery Backup and Chip-Enable Gating
56126MAX6368PKA46+TSOT23, Low-Power µP Supervisory Circuits with Battery Backup and Chip-Enable Gating
56127MAX6369Pin-Selectable Watchdog Timers
56128MAX6369-MAX6374Pin-Selectable Watchdog Timers
56129MAX6369KAPin-Selectable Watchdog Timers
56130MAX6369KA+Pin-Selectable Watchdog Timers
56131MAX6369KA+TPin-Selectable Watchdog Timers
56132MAX6369KA-TPin-Selectable Watchdog Timers
56133MAX6369KA/V+Pin-Selectable Watchdog Timers
56134MAX6369KA/V+TPin-Selectable Watchdog Timers
56135MAX636APreset/Adjustable Output CMOS Inverting Switching Regulators
56136MAX636AC/DPreset/Adjustable Output CMOS Inverting Switching Regulators
56137MAX636ACPAPreset -12V output or adjuistable output with 2 resistors, CMOS switching regulator. Output accuracy 5%.
56138MAX636ACPA+Preset/Adjustable Output CMOS Inverting Switching Regulators
56139MAX636ACSAPreset -12V output or adjuistable output with 2 resistors, CMOS switching regulator. Output accuracy 5%.
56140MAX636ACSA+Preset/Adjustable Output CMOS Inverting Switching Regulators
56141MAX636ACSA+TPreset/Adjustable Output CMOS Inverting Switching Regulators
56142MAX636AC_DPreset -12V output or adjuistable output with 2 resistors, CMOS switching regulator. Output accuracy 5%.
56143MAX636AEJAPreset -12V output or adjuistable output with 2 resistors, CMOS switching regulator. Output accuracy 5%.
56144MAX636AEPAPreset -12V output or adjuistable output with 2 resistors, CMOS switching regulator. Output accuracy 5%.
56145MAX636AEPA+Preset/Adjustable Output CMOS Inverting Switching Regulators
56146MAX636AESAPreset -12V output or adjuistable output with 2 resistors, CMOS switching regulator. Output accuracy 5%.
56147MAX636AESA+Preset/Adjustable Output CMOS Inverting Switching Regulators
56148MAX636AESA+TPreset/Adjustable Output CMOS Inverting Switching Regulators
56149MAX636AESA-TPreset/Adjustable Output CMOS Inverting Switching Regulators
56150MAX636AMJAPreset -12V output or adjuistable output with 2 resistors, CMOS switching regulator. Output accuracy 5%.
56151MAX636BPreset/Adjustable Output CMOS Inverting Switching Regulators
56152MAX636BCPAPreset -12V output or adjuistable output with 2 resistors, CMOS switching regulator. Output accuracy 10%.
56153MAX636BCSAPreset -12V output or adjuistable output with 2 resistors, CMOS switching regulator. Output accuracy 10%.
56154MAX636BC_DPreset -12V output or adjuistable output with 2 resistors, CMOS switching regulator. Output accuracy 10%.
56155MAX636BEJAPreset -12V output or adjuistable output with 2 resistors, CMOS switching regulator. Output accuracy 10%.
56156MAX636BEPAPreset -12V output or adjuistable output with 2 resistors, CMOS switching regulator. Output accuracy 10%.
56157MAX636BESAPreset -12V output or adjuistable output with 2 resistors, CMOS switching regulator. Output accuracy 10%.
56158MAX636BMJAPreset -12V output or adjuistable output with 2 resistors, CMOS switching regulator. Output accuracy 10%.
56159MAX636XC/DPreset/Adjustable Output CMOS Inverting Switching Regulators
56160MAX636XCPAPreset/Adjustable Output CMOS Inverting Switching Regulators
56161MAX636XCSAPreset/Adjustable Output CMOS Inverting Switching Regulators
56162MAX636XEJAPreset/Adjustable Output CMOS Inverting Switching Regulators
56163MAX636XMJAPreset/Adjustable Output CMOS Inverting Switching Regulators
56164MAX637Preset/Adjustable Output CMOS Inverting Switching Regulators
56165MAX6370Pin-Selectable Watchdog Timers
56166MAX6370KAPin-Selectable Watchdog Timers
56167MAX6370KA+Pin-Selectable Watchdog Timers
56168MAX6370KA+TPin-Selectable Watchdog Timers
56169MAX6370KA-TPin-Selectable Watchdog Timers
56170MAX6370KA/V+Pin-Selectable Watchdog Timers
56171MAX6370KA/V+TPin-Selectable Watchdog Timers
56172MAX6371Pin-Selectable Watchdog Timers
56173MAX6371KAPin-Selectable Watchdog Timers
56174MAX6371KA+Pin-Selectable Watchdog Timers
56175MAX6371KA+TPin-Selectable Watchdog Timers
56176MAX6371KA-TPin-Selectable Watchdog Timers
56177MAX6372Pin-Selectable Watchdog Timers
56178MAX6372KAPin-Selectable Watchdog Timers
56179MAX6372KA+Pin-Selectable Watchdog Timers
56180MAX6372KA+TPin-Selectable Watchdog Timers
56181MAX6372KA-TPin-Selectable Watchdog Timers
56182MAX6373Pin-Selectable Watchdog Timers
56183MAX6373KAPin-Selectable Watchdog Timers
56184MAX6373KA+Pin-Selectable Watchdog Timers
56185MAX6373KA+TPin-Selectable Watchdog Timers
56186MAX6373KA+TG48Pin-Selectable Watchdog Timers
56187MAX6373KA-TPin-Selectable Watchdog Timers
56188MAX6374Pin-Selectable Watchdog Timers
56189MAX6374KAPin-Selectable Watchdog Timers
56190MAX6374KA+Pin-Selectable Watchdog Timers
56191MAX6374KA+TPin-Selectable Watchdog Timers
56192MAX6374KA-TPin-Selectable Watchdog Timers
56193MAX6374KA/V+Pin-Selectable Watchdog Timers
56194MAX6374KA/V+TPin-Selectable Watchdog Timers
56195MAX63753-Pin, Ultra-Low-Power SC70/SOT23 Voltage Detectors
56196MAX6375UR-T3-Pin / Ultra-Low-Power SC70/SOT23 Voltage Detectors
56197MAX6375UR223-Pin, Ultra-Low-Power SC70/SOT23 Voltage Detectors
56198MAX6375UR22+3-Pin, Ultra-Low-Power SC70/SOT23 Voltage Detectors
56199MAX6375UR22+T3-Pin, Ultra-Low-Power SC70/SOT23 Voltage Detectors
56200MAX6375UR22-TUltra-low-power voltage detector, 2.2V

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