1650761 | UMB11NFHATN | PNP+PNP Digital transistor (Corresponds to AEC-Q101) | ROHM |
1650762 | UMB11NTN | PNP+PNP Digital transistor (with built-in resistors) | ROHM |
1650763 | UMB1N | Transistors > Complex Digital Transistors | ROHM |
1650764 | UMB2N | Transistors > Complex Digital Transistors | ROHM |
1650765 | UMB2NFHA | PNP+PNP Digital transistor (Corresponds to AEC-Q101) | ROHM |
1650766 | UMB2NFHATN | PNP+PNP Digital transistor (Corresponds to AEC-Q101) | ROHM |
1650767 | UMB2NTN | PNP+PNP Digital transistor (with built-in resistors) | ROHM |
1650768 | UMB3N | Transistors > Complex Digital Transistors | ROHM |
1650769 | UMB3NFHA | PNP+PNP Digital transistor (Corresponds to AEC-Q101) | ROHM |
1650770 | UMB3NFHATN | PNP+PNP Digital transistor (Corresponds to AEC-Q101) | ROHM |
1650771 | UMB3NTN | PNP+PNP Digital transistor (with built-in resistors) | ROHM |
1650772 | UMB4N | Transistors > Complex Digital Transistors | ROHM |
1650773 | UMB4NFHA | PNP+PNP Digital transistor (Corresponds to AEC-Q101) | ROHM |
1650774 | UMB4NFHATN | PNP+PNP Digital transistor (Corresponds to AEC-Q101) | ROHM |
1650775 | UMB4NTN | PNP+PNP Digital transistor (with built-in resistors) | ROHM |
1650776 | UMB5N | General purpose (dual digital transistors) | ROHM |
1650777 | UMB6N | Transistors > Complex Digital Transistors | ROHM |
1650778 | UMB6NTR | PNP+PNP Digital transistor (with built-in resistors) | ROHM |
1650779 | UMB8N | Transistors > Complex Digital Transistors | ROHM |
1650780 | UMB9N | Transistors > Complex Digital Transistors | ROHM |
1650781 | UMC2 | Dual Bias Resistor Transistors | ON Semiconductor |
1650782 | UMC2N | Power management (dual digital transistor) | ROHM |
1650783 | UMC2NT1 | Dual Bias Resistor Transistors | ON Semiconductor |
1650784 | UMC2NT1-D | Dual Common Base-Collector Bias Resistor Transistors | ON Semiconductor |
1650785 | UMC3 | Dual Bias Resistor Transistors | ON Semiconductor |
1650786 | UMC3NT1 | Dual Bias Resistor Transistors | ON Semiconductor |
1650787 | UMC3NT2 | Dual Bias Resistor Transistors | ON Semiconductor |
1650788 | UMC4N | Discrete - Bipolar Transistors - Pre-Bias Transistors | Diodes |
1650789 | UMC4N | Pre-biased Transistors | Micro Commercial Components |
1650790 | UMC4N-7 | Discrete - Bipolar Transistors - Pre-Bias Transistors | Diodes |
1650791 | UMC5 | Dual Bias Resistor Transistors | ON Semiconductor |
1650792 | UMC5N | Discrete - Bipolar Transistors - Pre-Bias Transistors | Diodes |
1650793 | UMC5N-7 | Discrete - Bipolar Transistors - Pre-Bias Transistors | Diodes |
1650794 | UMC5NT1 | Dual Bias Resistor Transistors | ON Semiconductor |
1650795 | UMC5NT2 | Dual Bias Resistor Transistors | ON Semiconductor |
1650796 | UMD10N | Pre-biased Transistors | Micro Commercial Components |
1650797 | UMD12N | Transistors > Complex Digital Transistors | ROHM |
1650798 | UMD12NFHA | PNP+NPN Digital transistor (Corresponds to AEC-Q101) | ROHM |
1650799 | UMD12NFHATN | PNP+NPN Digital transistor (Corresponds to AEC-Q101) | ROHM |
1650800 | UMD12NTR | PNP+NPN Digital transistor (with built-in resistors) | ROHM |