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SUMMIT Microelectronics

Datasheet Catalog - First Page

Datasheets found :: 459Page: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
No.Part NameDescription
1S24022P-2.7Precision RESET controller and 2K I2C memory with both RESET and non-RESET outputs
2S24022P-2.7TPrecision RESET controller and 2K I2C memory with both RESET and non-RESET outputs
3S24022P-APrecision RESET controller and 2K I2C memory with both RESET and non-RESET outputs
4S24022P-ATPrecision RESET controller and 2K I2C memory with both RESET and non-RESET outputs
5S24022P-BPrecision RESET controller and 2K I2C memory with both RESET and non-RESET outputs
6S24022P-BTPrecision RESET controller and 2K I2C memory with both RESET and non-RESET outputs
7S24022P2.7Precision RESET controller and 2K I2C memory with both RESET and non-RESET outputs
8S24022P2.7TPrecision RESET controller and 2K I2C memory with both RESET and non-RESET outputs
9S24022PAPrecision RESET controller and 2K I2C memory with both RESET and non-RESET outputs
10S24022PATPrecision RESET controller and 2K I2C memory with both RESET and non-RESET outputs
11S24022PBPrecision RESET controller and 2K I2C memory with both RESET and non-RESET outputs
12S24022PBTPrecision RESET controller and 2K I2C memory with both RESET and non-RESET outputs

13S24022PI-2.7Precision RESET controller and 2K I2C memory with both RESET and non-RESET outputs
14S24022PI-2.7TPrecision RESET controller and 2K I2C memory with both RESET and non-RESET outputs
15S24022PI-APrecision RESET controller and 2K I2C memory with both RESET and non-RESET outputs
16S24022PI-ATPrecision RESET controller and 2K I2C memory with both RESET and non-RESET outputs
17S24022PI-BPrecision RESET controller and 2K I2C memory with both RESET and non-RESET outputs
18S24022PI-BTPrecision RESET controller and 2K I2C memory with both RESET and non-RESET outputs
19S24022S-2.7Precision RESET controller and 2K I2C memory with both RESET and non-RESET outputs
20S24022S-2.7TPrecision RESET controller and 2K I2C memory with both RESET and non-RESET outputs
21S24022S-APrecision RESET controller and 2K I2C memory with both RESET and non-RESET outputs
22S24022S-ATPrecision RESET controller and 2K I2C memory with both RESET and non-RESET outputs
23S24022S-BPrecision RESET controller and 2K I2C memory with both RESET and non-RESET outputs
24S24022S-BTPrecision RESET controller and 2K I2C memory with both RESET and non-RESET outputs
25S24022S2.7Precision RESET controller and 2K I2C memory with both RESET and non-RESET outputs
26S24022S2.7TPrecision RESET controller and 2K I2C memory with both RESET and non-RESET outputs
27S24022SAPrecision RESET controller and 2K I2C memory with both RESET and non-RESET outputs
28S24022SABPrecision RESET controller and 2K I2C memory with both RESET and non-RESET outputs
29S24022SATPrecision RESET controller and 2K I2C memory with both RESET and non-RESET outputs
30S24022SBPrecision RESET controller and 2K I2C memory with both RESET and non-RESET outputs
31S24022SBTPrecision RESET controller and 2K I2C memory with both RESET and non-RESET outputs
32S24022SI-2.7Precision RESET controller and 2K I2C memory with both RESET and non-RESET outputs
33S24022SI-2.7TPrecision RESET controller and 2K I2C memory with both RESET and non-RESET outputs
34S24022SI-APrecision RESET controller and 2K I2C memory with both RESET and non-RESET outputs
35S24022SI-ATPrecision RESET controller and 2K I2C memory with both RESET and non-RESET outputs
36S24022SI-BPrecision RESET controller and 2K I2C memory with both RESET and non-RESET outputs
37S24022SI-BTPrecision RESET controller and 2K I2C memory with both RESET and non-RESET outputs
38S24023P2.7Precision RESET controller and 2K I2C memory with both RESET and non-RESET outputs
39S24023P2.7TPrecision RESET controller and 2K I2C memory with both RESET and non-RESET outputs
40S24023PAPrecision RESET controller and 2K I2C memory with both RESET and non-RESET outputs
41S24023PATPrecision RESET controller and 2K I2C memory with both RESET and non-RESET outputs
42S24023PBPrecision RESET controller and 2K I2C memory with both RESET and non-RESET outputs
43S24023PBTPrecision RESET controller and 2K I2C memory with both RESET and non-RESET outputs
44S24023PI-2.7Precision RESET controller and 2K I2C memory with both RESET and non-RESET outputs
45S24023PI-2.7TPrecision RESET controller and 2K I2C memory with both RESET and non-RESET outputs
46S24023PI-APrecision RESET controller and 2K I2C memory with both RESET and non-RESET outputs
47S24023PI-ATPrecision RESET controller and 2K I2C memory with both RESET and non-RESET outputs
48S24023PI-BPrecision RESET controller and 2K I2C memory with both RESET and non-RESET outputs
49S24023PI-BTPrecision RESET controller and 2K I2C memory with both RESET and non-RESET outputs
50S24023S-2.7Precision RESET controller and 2K I2C memory with both RESET and non-RESET outputs

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